Monday, November 21, 2011

Ring shopping

HI you!

So today, the topic is ring shopping. As you may know, traditionally, the bride shops for the groom's ring, and vice versa. Not to discredit traditions, but I'm not sold on the idea.

Choosing my own and having my husband choose his makes more sense to me. When it comes down to it, I'm going to be wearing mine everyday forever (that's the hope!), so I wanted to find a ring that really struck me. Same goes for the hubby, I wouldn't have picked the same thing for him as he picked out for himself, and he should also have a ring he loves and is happy to wear everyday. Another advantage is that you are sure the ring size will be perfect, as you will be there to have your finger measured when buying the ring.

A compromise can be to go ring-shopping together. Jewellery stores usually carry men's and women's rings, so you can go to the same place for both of you, and perhaps even get a discount.

As for the ring itself, all I have to say comes down to these three points:

1) Go for a timeless look, not something you'll be tired of in three months or with colours that won't always match with what you wear.

2) Don't ruin yourself over a ring. Weddings are costly, and you should focus on good food and a knock-out dress, in my humble opinion. You can always spring for a bigger, extravagant, fancy ring on your five or ten-year anniversary.

3) Shop online first ! Not necessarily to buy a ring over the internet, but at least to see what styles are out there, what you like, what you think would suit you.

Here is the only photo I have of mine and my husband's rings. Mine is a very simple white gold band with little round encrusted cubic zirconium on top. My husband chose a brushed titanium ring.

Photo by JP Lessard:

Next week, we talk about bridal accessories!

Have a good week


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